Sunday, October 2, 2011

The downside of dreams and the realizations thereof

Rotundo, the elephant, after decades of hard work, anguish, and prayer, finally achieves his dream of flight only to notice upon landing how sore and weak his abused feet have become over the years.


Humano, the hairless biped, after millenia spent in dreams of flight, finally submits to a full body scan and being packed and shipped like freight to Mississippi in order to visit the family for the ritual thanksgiving dinner and religious fistfights.


Monsanto, the spirit of invention, having achieved major success in bio-engineering, becomes suddenly aware of unforeseen consequences of this work after being knocked unconscious by falling elephant dung.


  1. Same as I said to the other Lane Savant...

  2. I liked the first post better ... LOL

  3. wow,

    hard work and dreams can achieve big things,
    beautiful philosophy.

  4. I'm working the list backwards, so can't wait to get to Lane S 1. This is mind altering stuff, Lane!

  5. haha...each of these is a treat but that last one is a out for those fistfights as well...ack

  6. You are the raven, the coyote,
    the trickster, and are building a
    solid following of magpies who
    love your absurdist Dadaish
    sense of levity; which I have done
    for five decades, and shall continue
    to do for five more.

  7. You are a poetic echo, thundering
    in the halls of Poetic Endeavor,
    the captain of the ship Zappa's
    Folly, becoming more Alfred E.
    Savant with each passing day;
    let alone the passing decades.
